Game of thrones map german
Game of thrones map german

game of thrones map german

So, if you’re a Game of Thrones mega-nerd like me, I think you’ll enjoy this one. WARNING: This post is dark and full of spoilers…! Please do NOT read it if you haven’t completed the entirety of Game of Thrones Season 1. With its honey-washed limestone facades and glittering sea views, Malta is as Game of Thronesy as it gets… except minus the murder, incest and gratuitous gore. Full size links are below the image.Sure, Game of Thrones may have only filmed in Malta during season one, but I assure you, a single step in this Mediterranean dreamscape and you’ll be humming the GoT theme song oooover and over. We hope that you enjoy it and that you find it as useful as Valyrian steel in a room full of White Walkers. We will add new characters, update descriptions and add X’s on the fresh kills. We plan to update it throughout the season. We updated photos, tweaked descriptions and did our best to make sense out of the craziness that is Game of Thrones. We put red X’s on the dead (RIP Oberyn) and question marks on the presumed dead (we still have hope for The Hound). We added the Martell family and tons of other characters. Using that as a base, we started working on it to bring it up to date.

game of thrones map german

It is called A Web of Thrones 2.0 and was created by Michael JD. One that we did find, that was laid out well, has not been updated since the beginning of Season 3. Are the Karstarks loyal to the Starks or the Boltons? Are we supposed to know who Euron Greyjoy is? Will anything good ever happen to Sansa?Īfter searching the internet, we came to the conclusion that there is not a good character map that is up to date. Inevitably, someone will bring up a character and ask what their backstory is and how they fit in. When you have a show that encompasses an entire world, it’s tough to keep everything straight. Like Dothraki lore, it is known that you shouldn’t come to work the day after Game of Thrones airs, unless you have watched it. Theories, critiques and spoilers fly around the office like the three-eyed raven. Ten Mondays a year, between April and June, the Lee Tilford Agency is abuzz with Game of Thrones talk.

Game of thrones map german